Some old friends

After 30 years of seeing class mates on and off, I finally went to a reunion. The commitee did a great job on organizing and getting as many there as possible.
I feel bad that there were so many that I didnt recognize, however, it was great to find out how well we are all doing and find some old friends that live within just a few miles of me. I was also surprised that there were so many that had passed away. It is scarry to think that we are such a young class with many class mates gone.
I feel bad that there were so many that I didnt recognize, however, it was great to find out how well we are all doing and find some old friends that live within just a few miles of me. I was also surprised that there were so many that had passed away. It is scarry to think that we are such a young class with many class mates gone.
I wish that more had shown up. The locals are the ones that didnt show. Others came from Florida, Utah, Arizonia, Iowa and Canada. You would think the locals could have shown up. Oh well they missed alot of fun, and we missed them. Here's to the next class reunion, I hope to go to in 5 years.